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Riding in a slot


The 5 Rules – Riding in a slot


  1. Relaxed

    Don't try to fight with your bike! Leave the work to your bike
    and follow the flow of your bike (no pressure on your handlebars, front wheel).

    The more pressure on the front wheel, the more your kickback
    gets, when it touches the collars. Like driving in deep sand!


  2. Look Ahead

    Look ahead in the distance
     The golden rule of mountain biking is to always have your
    look out for where you are
     want to go to, en  not  to true
      you do NOT want to go. Aim your  on the clearest path
    through the slot   and try  to avoid any obstacles.

  3. Crank It

    Pedals parallel
    Ride with your cranks horizontal as much as possible
    Be ready to move the pedals around small bulges
    on the sides of the slot.


  4. Shift Back

    Shift down

  5. Float and Wiggle

    Float & wobble
    Let your bike float through the slot.
    Wiggle your knees, hips and upper body
    to keep the balance.


  6. Super Hints:

    Flow Like Water - Water always takes the path of least resistance.
    So think that you and your bike are like water through the groove
    flows. Leave the sides and contours
    from the front wheel slot.

    Outside Knee In - If you need to turn into a slot,
    bring your outside knee closer to the bike. This will bend you
    more accurately help to take, steer the bike
    with your body, not just your hands.


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